Résultats Fonctionnalité des unités sous-nationales

Functionality assessment is focused on understanding the status of different influences that impact on the ability of a system to ensure access to quality essential health services demanded by the beneficiary population, through routine and emergency disruptive situations. Drivers of functionality relate to service provision, management and oversight capacities that exist within a given system. Assessing functionality looks at the state of these capacities vis-à-vis the outputs the system is able to achieve.

Sub-national unit (SNU) functionality

This platform provides summary of sub-national unit functionality in countries, using two dashboards in English and French:
Assessment Tools
Assessment Tools


The assessment is primarily done to identify areas that need strengthening. It is therefore done by each unit - either health facility or district / County / Province / State that wants to know where to focus to improve its functioning. Information is structured as modules for each component of functionality. A sub-national unit assesses itself based on the status of a number of attributes that define each module. The information is then brought together for each component in the sub national unit, and across sub national units to decipher functionality at sub national and national levels. Modules are structured into (1) those assessing functioning of a sub-national unit, (2) those determining level of outcomes the sub-national unit is attaining and (3) those assessing functionality of a specific health facility. The results here follow this structure. The detailed assessment can be accessed